So, who IS AlphaBeck?

I'm Simon Beck. I am the founder and proprietor of AlphaBeck. This is my website, and AlphaBeck's work is my work.

I was born in London, England. My early years were spent in Switzerland, the USA and London's East End. Eventually I settled in south London.

After many years of trying to find my niche, I got a job working with computer graphics in 1991.

In those days a state-of-the-art PC was a 386 with 8MB of RAM and 40MB of hard disk space. During the next eleven years I taught myself 3D and vector graphics, Photoshop, multimedia programming and HTML while producing interactive programs and graphics for clients including Barclays Bank, Legal & General, Christian Dior, John Smith's Brewery and the World Gold Council.

I also married Karen, and we now have two lovely children.

In 2003 I started AlphaBeck, with the specific aim of designing simple but effective websites and graphics. In a world where every website seems to come with a Flash™ intro (complete with "skip intro" button) and every logo seems to have blurred edges (and looks a mess when faxed), it occurred to me that maybe some people might still prefer a simpler and more direct approach to design.

Judging by the interest in my website and the work I'm getting, it looks as if I may have been right.