Your very own professionally-designed
Family Website!

Let us produce a unique on-line document for your friends and family to visit and revisit, which you can add to or change as often as you want.

Click here to see a sample site (opens in new window)

Click here to e-mail us for details, or here to find out what we require from you.

Simple and elegant design
Books, newspapers and magazines are printed in black ink on white paper. There's a reason for that - it makes them much easier to read. AlphaBeck's websites are simple but stylish. No fussy backgrounds, no illegible coloured text, no unnecessary animations or graphics to download. Just your family, on-line.

Title Graphic
You have the choice of 4 type styles and 5 colours. Up to two lines of text.

Family Tree with buttons
The world's most intuitive user interface: point at a person's name and click to call up…

…individual or joint micro-sites
Each person or couple (or other family group) can have their own pop-up page (as short or long as they want!) featuring pictures, news and more. Updates to micro-sites can be made at short notice and for a standard charge. Additional micro-sites (e.g. births) and additions to micro-sites due to marriage are free of charge, and will also be added to the Family Tree.

Domain name (optional)
For an additional £25 we can arrange for your site to have a proper easy-to-remember address, e.g. "". No more clumsy addresses to remember.